Clear Gourde 500ml
Clear Gourde 500ml
Clear Gourde 500ml

Clear Gourde 500ml

15,00 EUR
500 ml

This practical water bottle is a smaller version than before, made from recycled, food grade material that is BPA-free. The bottle is designed with a wide opening with a handle and milliliter marks on the outside. The bottle comes in four different colors and is your ultimate workout buddy!

Complétez ce modèle avec d'autres coups de cœur !

Clear Gourde 500mlClear Gourde 500ml

Clear Gourde 500ml

15,00 EUR

500 ml

Clear Gourde 500mlClear Gourde 500ml

Clear Gourde 500ml

15,00 EUR

500 ml

Clear Gourde 500mlClear Gourde 500ml

Clear Gourde 500ml

15,00 EUR

500 ml

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